Shri Sangameshwar Education Society, Solapur
Kannada Linguistic Minority Institute
NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade (III Cycle CGPA 3.39)
Affiliated to Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur

Departmental Activity (Chemistry)


Arranging talks and seminars of distinguished persons / alumni on the subjects of their scientific interest.
Arranging study tours to places of scientific interest.
Preparing charts, posters and models etc.
Displaying science news/ articles on notice board.
Decorating the walls of labs with scientific events and scientist images.
Sangameshwar College, Solapur, Maharashtra

 165, Railway Lines,

 Saat Rasta, Solapur - 413001

 Post Box No. 52


 Email :

 Office Phone : +91-217-2315588, Fax : +91-217-2315588

 Principal Phone : +91-217-2316688

 Computer Science Dept :- +91-217-2315566

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Updated On:02-Jan-2025
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